§ 2-71. Generally.
§ 2-72. Failure to comply.
§ 2-73. Adoption of "Robert's Rules."
§ 2-74. Meetings generally.
§ 2-75. Special meetings.
§§ 2-76, 2-77. [RESERVED]
§ 2-78. Opening of meeting.
§ 2-79. Quorum; adjourned meetings.
§ 2-80. Presiding officer.
§ 2-81. Order of business.
§ 2-82. Order and decorum.
§ 2-83. Duties of members.
§ 2-84. Participation by department heads and staff.
§ 2-85. Presentation of new business and deferment.
§ 2-86. Debate.
§ 2-87. Call of trustee to order.
§ 2-88. Appeals from decisions of the chair.
§ 2-89. Question of personal privilege.
§ 2-90. Precedence of motions.
§ 2-91. When motion to adjourn in order.
§ 2-92. Amending motion to adjourn.
§ 2-93. Previous question.
§ 2-94. Motion to lay on the table - Generally.
§ 2-95. Same - Effect, amendments.
§ 2-96. Motion to take from the table.
§ 2-97. Postponement of action.
§ 2-98. Motion to refer.
§ 2-99. Motion to amend.
§ 2-100. Filling of blanks.
§ 2-101. Motion to substitute.
§ 2-102. Reconsideration.
§ 2-103. Voting.
§ 2-104. Seconding of motions required; written motions.
§ 2-105. Withdrawal of motions.
§ 2-106. Division of questions.
§ 2-107. Record of motions.
§ 2-108. Taking, entering of votes.
§ 2-109. Announcement and changes of votes.
§§ 2-110-2-125. [RESERVED]